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Saturday, October 22, 2005
Wonder if Episcoblogs could do a roundup for the week of what is happening out in the Episcopal community of blogdom!
I was thinking of moving the random roundup over here after awhile, because I think I have more readers on my blog, then gradually posting at both places.
There are now so many blogs in the ring, it's hard to find a fair way to do it.
Have you considered using an RSS aggregator to keep track of all the blogs? (For example, bloglines.com) That way, you can sort them by category and know when they're updated.
I'd be in favor of a roundup. I just redesigned my church blog, and my personal blog, though, and have to get my code back on there.
It would be fun to read excerpts or summaries of everyone else that's out there. It can certainly be done with Bloglines, or maybe Feedburner, but I don't have the expertise to tell you how.
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